Sunday 10 January 2016

Wave this Way

When my life ended, I found it difficult to live with the pain I was feeling. I went to the doctor very early in my malaise and asked them for help. I would go back very regularly - maybe every month or two - and ask if there was anything they could do. I was desperate. I didn't care that I may be seen as a nuisance, I just wanted a magic drug and even a magic word that would make something click for me so I could carry on without the burden of 'grief without end'. But they could never help me. The tablets they prescribed were no good for me because my problem was not a chemical imbalance, but was something caused by the physical world. It was the immense overload of negative emotions which I could not overcome. It's ten years, later this year, that my life ended and I still need that magic wand to be waved in my direction.

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