Monday 4 January 2016


Just because I'm opinionated, doesn't mean it's okay to call me a cunt.
Just because I speak out against your favourite ideology, doesn't mean I like being called a cunt.
Just because I'm a 40+ white male, doesn't mean I'm okay with being made to feel like a cunt.

Complain about the things I believe in and I'm fine with it.
Make fun of the things I believe in and it'll probably irritate me if I can't speak with you and have the chance of educating you.
Lie about the things I believe in to make your beliefs sound more plausible and it'll piss me off.
Tell other people that I'm something I'm not and I'll find it really difficult to get over it.
Overreact to a lighthearted comment and it'll just confirm to me that things are never going to change for me.

It used to be thick, but now my skin is thin.

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