Saturday, 14 November 2015

Intolerant, Ignorant and Crass

Everyday I get offended by the ignorance of others. Their beliefs in astrology, spirituality and religion. Three subjects which I like to call 'The Supernatural'.

Yesterday, as I scrolled through my Facebook newsfeed, I saw that one of my friends had left a comment regarding another atrocity in Paris. I turned on the news to find reports of carnage (that carried the foul odour of Islam within it). 40 dead. 100 hostages. Gunfire. Bombings.

Most of my friends were putting statuses such as 'our prayers are with them, 'pray for them' etc. This grates at me. The cause of Islamic terrorism is due to their belief in the supernatural and the scriptures from where there misguided and harmful dogmas are perpetuated. My comment therefore was:

'40 killed so far and 100 hostages taken. Why? Because they are angry that some people don't believe in their invisible friend.'

a 'friend' of mine who believes in the supernatural (Christian flavour) responded:

'you come up with some incredible nonsense but this is easily the most crass, insensitive and ignorant post I've seen from you. Of course, I haven't read them all'

An almost witty final sentence. I respected him for that. I was also angered though. He had written this on my wall where people could read it and have their hatred of me reinforced. (we must keep hatred quiet as it's not nice). Now, I had already got the feeling this guy didn't like me from his tone at times, but I had always been respectful, friendly and supportive towards him (although I never kept my beliefs regarding the supernatural quiet around him). All that being said, here is my reply:

'That's a powerful argument, ....... Tell me where it's crass. Tell me where it's insensitive. Tell me where it's ignorant. The only part of your comment I have any respect for is your attempt at humour in your last sentence. I apologise if you have some kind of attachment to the supernatural, but that's something you'll have to get over all by yourself.'

I was still annoyed though, so I started to write another reply which began: 'How dare you write something like this...' - it was at this point Imogen pooed in her pants and I had to go and shower her (she's 27 - you'd think she would have learned to go to the toilet by now). Anyway, when I came back down, I started to rewrite my second reply:

'You[r] comment was pretty low, ....... If you're going to write something brusque, at least have the decency to tell us all what you believe to be the cogent arguments so we can all see the ridiculous nonsense that goes on inside your head'

It's never good to get into these arguments. I need to vent. People who don't like me are upset when my venting is focused on things they hold dear... I wish things were different, but it's not me that defends those who are murdering innocent people.

God I fucking hate people. (I don't kill 'em though)

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