2- men who drive nissan micras
3- women who use the word 'mate' and men who call women 'mate'. hey, they're above all this boy/girl stuff. we're all the same, right?
4- anyone who gets offended by the words 'boyfriend/girlfriend' and will only use the word 'partner'
5- people who hate the country they were raised in without realising it's actually the government they should be despising--- your country can't help the weather it has.
6- people who knowingly perpetuate their parents' damage without trying to overcome it themselves
7- people who dislike you without knowing why
8- people who write judgmental lists

9- people who like richard gere, or leonardo dicaprio. richard gere has always been up his own arse and dicaprio gets worse as he gets older- he tries too hard. emma thompson wanted british troops to die during the gulf war and mickey rourke gave money to the IRA.
10- people whose taste is genre specific, ie they only like heavy metal/ punk/ horror/ romcom/courtroom novels etc etc. open your eyes and broaden your mind
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