Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Here is a Facebook status I almost added, but decided not to for fear the male ovaries might explode:

In a complete 180 from the way I felt last night, I would like to say how indifferent I feel towards those who commit honour killings and force women (and men) into arranged marriages. I wish nothing but the best to those who commit some much needed murders against their family members. If it was up to me, I'd give you all a damn medal. To all those who go above and beyond in securing their family's good name by killing their sisters and daughters, I salute you! (I'll probably feel different about all this tomorrow depending on the over-sensitive reaction of anyone who cares to comment below)

the previous night's status was this:

This may make me sound like a complete psycho, but I'd love to have the ability to know when someone is going to do an honour killing on their daughter/sister. I'd like to be able to lock them in a room, then spend the next few days wondering whether to let them starve to death for wanting to commit such a horrible crime on someone they're supposed to love, or whether to do a bit of torturing on them first... whilst allowing them to starve... or maybe i'd feed them just to make it last. Here's a video of a baby monkey going backwards on a pig

[ I added a video of a baby monkey riding backwards on a pig ]

the comments were as follows ('HIM' is a friend of mine. 'ME' is me. 'Imke' is my niece's mum):

  • Imke Verstappen likes this.
  • Comments
      • HIM - Really didn't enjoy reading that one, Chris. You want to torture and kill, huh.
      • ME - I've had a rethink. If the day ever comes when I get this superpower, I'll reconsider whether doing what I wrote is a good idea. I'll ponder it for a while. Maybe stopping those from killing innocent loved ones and then letting them to starve to death (and doing a bit of torture on them) isn't a good idea. Maybe i'll just keep my interfering nose out of their business. That song in the baby monkey video is a bit annoying.

So that was last night. My friend is a male feminist. I abhor feminism.

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Year 2, Day 2

All's going well. I'm both liking the modules very well, and also hating the fact that I've got to do any work. I wish it was just an attendance course.

Anyways, I've been travelling to university by bike. After realising just how incredibly bad the cycleways are from Leigh to Salford, I now ride along combinations of both cycle paths and A roads - though I'm still not set on the best route to take. Might end up with a canal cycle path, East Lancs cycle path, A road past Swinton finishing with a minor road finish to the journey.

One thing is for sure, it takes a lot longer to get there than it does to get back.

Today is Day 2. I've ridden on consecutive days for the first time in 4 years and the 12 mile route took its toll today. I had a banana and a Double Decker to eat and had a three hour lecture. The result was that at about four miles from home I got the shakes and really needed to eat. I had three large bowls of Cheerios when I got home. I'm still tired six hours later. This is good :)

Added to this, my iPad sort of froze and I couldn't access anything on the touchscreen. It wasn't until about 20 minutes ago I Googled it and found a solution. My iPad is now working again... and breathe...